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Football (Soccer)/Futebol

Marino, T. K., Basso, L., Morgans, R., Corrêa, U. C., & Moreira, A. Perturbations in elite female soccer matches: a conceptual and practical method to analyse variability and regularity between field zones and the spatial development of phase transitions. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 1-18, 2024.

Clavijo, F.A.R., Drews, R., Denardi, R.A., Travassos, B. & Corrêa, U.C. Identification of football teams styles of play by cluster analysis. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 1–16, 2023

Clavijo, F. A. R., Denardi, R. A., Corrêa, U. C. The macro- and micro-adaptations in the football teams. Motriz, 28, e10220007322, 2022.

Reis, A. A. M., Correa, U. C. Small-sided games as holons in the football: a hierarchical systems approach. Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano, 23, 1-7, 2021.

Clavijo, F.A.R., Denardi, R.A., Drews, R., Tani, G., Corrêa, U.C. La influencia de los constreñimientos espacio-temporales en la toma de decisiones en el área de penalti del futbol. Cuadernos de Psicología del Deporte, 18, 49-61, 2018.

Moreira, A., Aoki, M.S., Carling, C., Lopes, R.A.R., Arruda, A.F.S., Lima, M., Corrêa, U.C., Bradley, P.S. Temporal changes in technical and physical performances during a small-sided game in elite youth soccer players. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, 7, e35411, 2016.

Romero, F.C., Denardi, R.A., Travassos, B., Corrêa, U.C. Constrangimentos espácio-temporais sobre a tomada de decisão do tipo de remate na grande área do futebol. Motricidade, 12, 80-87, 2016.

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